Friday, August 29, 2008

He doesn't want to go, but I sure like it here.

As I write I am being serenaded by a group singing circle, led by guitar player with some pretty sweet (and powerful) pipes. Swap out their Bob Dylan for a little Chris Tomlin and you've created a nostalgic reenactment of my youth group beach trip days. Beautiful. I like Bob.

First day in the program. Rekindled feelings of being a college freshman with the 3 most repeated get-to-know-you-questions of all time: 1...what's your name? (I'm Jenna) 2...what school do you go to? 3...what major are you? (now replaced by..."what kind of work do you do?).

The lovely sub system is working out well for me. Thanks to my practice with Margaret in the spring time, I am now the subway "leader" amongst the few who followed me home. Until they realize that I'm only familiar with about, oh i donno, THREE actual stops, I'll be considered New York-smart. When they find out that I have NO sense of direction I'll be in trouble!!

NYC moment of the day (this is replacing the popular "pick up line of the day" from my Italy blog): As we are leaving the subway towards our Brooklyn home we hear screaming and crying from a 12 year old boy who is refusing to let go of the stairway pole. What is he screaming about??

"but i don't wannnnnna go to brooklynnnnn!!!!!!"

Begs the question...WHY?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank you, Melissa Beck.

Melissa did me a fat favor and took some pics of my most recent in-progress work. Check this baby out!

I've been working on this thing for so long that I nearly dropped it...but seeing this picture after not being around the piece for a few days has got me all hyped up to work on it. Too bad I won't even see it in the flesh until January. I'll have to let it stew.

(Materials: Fiberglass and resin...formerly an upholstered chair and junky tv.)

I leave for NYC in 3 days.........

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Soap Locks

This piece had to be put to death because the soap yellowed and, worse, turned slimy/goopy/nasty. Not terrible for a piece produced hours before it was critiqued...but now I'm a bit bored of it. This pic is the only chance that it had at being semi-immortalized.