Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crack Fancy

I am stoked to get back to SD to make some art. I have some nonsense ideas in my head and I want to get them out before I over think them. I was shell-shocked with excitement the other day while perusing the army surplus store in San a SWEET dome tent for a mere $40, as well as another cheapo mummy bag and some tiny glass vials. I was flipping out in that place. There goes my Christmas moolah...but for good cause!

My dad's letting me borrow (indefinitely) his fancy fancy film camera. I'm excited to mess around with it. I think that photography might be a helpful addition to my art. Not everything is best in 3D.

At Grandma T's house the other day I told her that her Zwiebach croutons were so so so addicting that I was sure there was crack in them. "Just a pinch!" she said. A truly hilarious quip from my saintly Grandma.


Caits said...

hahahaha I would love to meet your granny. mine wouldn't ever say that......
ps. i love having you back!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I can see you last posted on January 2009. Betcha didn't think you'd get an "unexpected guest" here!

Haha, get on it and write us some more posts! Maybe Patrick and you can make an art dept. blog. ;)
