Monday, September 1, 2008

10 Things

Reasons that I love the city, all from the last 24 hours:
1) Church with black, white, male and female pastors. Amen.
2) Brownies and macaroons in the middle of time square (paired with awkward group games).
3) Mysterious Caribbean boat parties. Dj's with dreads. Reggae. Little girls dropping bombs.
4) Street yoga complete with a mat and clock. The woman was clearly not in her zen-place, which was made obvious when she opened one eye and watched us walk past.
5) Leftovers for the the third night in a row. With friends it's a family treat.
6) Gigantic old women wearing nothing but a thong-bikini and some feather boas. The bending over part was NOT a reason to love NYC...but definitely a reason to be more fascinated by it.
7) Pick up line: (While Brittany, Rachel and I were walking through a crowd of primarily black people) "SNOWBUNNIES! ALRIGHT SNOW BUNNIES! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
8) Man in a lime-green speedo tanning on the roof--complete with pelvic thrusting and awkward leg stretching.
9) The pressing need for hand sanitizer.
10) The "People with AIDS Plaza" actually exists.

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