Friday, October 24, 2008

New York has been much more generous to me in the way of celebrity sightings than Hollywood-famed California has ever been (not that I've been to Hollywood, and I've only spent a few days in LA). I knew when I came here that Brooklyn Heights, my place of residence, is on of the more posh neighborhoods in the borough. BUT, apparently it is also home to many celebs as well as a key place for filming. A few weeks ago they were filming 30 Rock 2 blocks from our dorm, and....TINA FEY (!!!!!) and the little person from Elf (can't remember his name, but I was slightly more dazzled to see him than I was ms. Tina). Incredible. I thought my luck had run out, but things got even better. The next week Jason Schwartzman was dining in one of my favorite places to get coffee...for crying out loud, I love that guy! So amazing. Again, I thought that my luck had run it's course. But it gets much better. I was super sick this last week and in a moment of delirium I went to hell on earth--Times Square--to go look for art supplies in the massive Toys R Us (nearly hell as well). I'm standing in there, clouded over from the massive amounts of Dayquil that I had drunk in lieu of water and numb from the three analgesics that had only recently disolved, when I see SANDRA BULLOCK! Holy crap she's like in my top 10 of favorites! And, she was beautiful. Botoxed, a bit made over, but beautiful. She had a very serene smile plastered on her face which I assumed was her way of preventing overly-excited paparazzi from mistaking a relaxed mouth for depression or potential outbursts or something. It was awesome. I would have stood in awe for another few minutes (oh yea, and I nearly bumped into her and Jesse's daughter) but the camera-laden girls started rushing over and I didn't want to be around when the craziness struck. Still, pretty freaking awesome.

On a more serious note, my coffee consumption is reaching an all-time high. You know you're an addicted when a self-proclaimed creamer-needer starts to convert to the black stuff. Not on purpose, really, but if that's all that's there I'll TOTALLY take it. The artist that I'm interning with is equally addicted to coffee so there is always a supply of hot, black coffee around. I think the other day I inhaled like 3 cups of black stuff, and that's after my morning coffee and before my afternoon serving(s). SO, maybe I should back off. But I also kind of need it.

Below are 2 pictures of some of my favorite works. The tubes are of fiberglass, created by Eva Hesse (a total badass artist responding to macho minimalist culture), and Jeff Koons (equally badass, totally pop culture meets readymades meets beautiful). I love them both and I love being able to see their work.

1 comment:

Jocelyn Aucoin said...

Love Koons, love celeb sightings, love the black stuff. You drinking it black is so TOEWS! And putting it away is pretty Toews, too. Girl you know when I hit that cup numero tres that my teeth begin to feel like they are disintegrating. Yeah it's like that. But sounds like the Big Apple is as lovely as it should be! And Jason Schwartzman--he's pretty lovely too. Lovely and HOT. Kinda reminds me of Erik, actually. Keep and camera and pen and paper on you at all times... exciting times call for preparedness!! Love you girl.