Friday, October 17, 2008

A pleasant arrival of the most joyous sort.

This morning three of my best friends landed in town.

Now, I pride myself in making friends fairly easily. I enjoy meeting new people, and it takes me little time before I feel at ease and comfortable. Thus, being at NYCAMS with all these new fabulous people has been wonderful and hardly a stress at all. Seeing my friends, however, threw upon me such an overwhelming feeling of ecstasy that I nearly checked them into the street hockey-style when I saw them.

The basic order of the day: Bagels (best f'ing bagels you will ever, EVER dream of having), Chelsea gallery hopping (the good, the bad, and the boring), Magnolia cupcakes (a must-do for the cupcake connoisseur, as well as for the Sex in the City fiend), brief rest, pizza, coffee, and...a glorious 10:30 bedtime. We are freaking exhausted. We walked everywhere because the weather is oh-so-gorgeous, and when it's sunny as heck outside the drab subway just doesn't cut it. PLUS, during an earlier subway trip to the New School this morning, Kristen and I would up sitting next to a homeless man who stunk so badly that my bagel threatened to leave it's semi-final resting place. Not appealing.

Being reunited with these lovely girls is bringing out the silliness in me to the n'th degree. I'm a pretty laughter-prone person as it is, but the snorting laughter has taken it's throne consistently throughout the course of the day.

And now, because I am exhausted and because Juliana is offering me a shoulder rub, which will undoubtedly leave me comatose, I will end this short and semi-pointless blog.


Aravis87 said...

...and here I am, all alone...with no one but my GRE book, an unwritten 12-page paper, and a lingering cold to keep me warm at night.


sure sounds like ya'll are having fun...

...without me.

(now is juliana and kristen's cue to talk evie and jenna down from their legendary-guilt-complex-induced seizures.)

Jenna Morrow said...

Yes, guilt complex did NOT respond to that.

My sadness complex did.

Not having you here makes me want to cry big big BIG fat tears of sadness.