Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In Mourning. For the City. And for friends.

I have returned.

End of the semester was a total frenzy of paper-writing, show preparations, gallery work, hanging drywall (a self-inflicted punishment, really. My only regret of the semester was cutting open that damn hole!), and an array of other loose ends to be tied. Perhaps the most exhausting aspect of leaving NY was having to finally admit to the fact that saying 'goodbye' to The City also meant saying goodbye to a sweeeeeet group of people as well. I got a little sadder with every adieu that I passed out until the last night when I nearly lost it after saying goodbye to my two remaining friends. I hate to admit to my sensitive shortcomings, but I became a complete sap in those last few, dark hours (not metaphorically dark--actually dark. 1am is a dark hour. Although, truth be told, my mood at that time could possibly be classified as dark as well.)

I am now home and "resting," if you can call it that. I am such an antsy pants that I can't sit still for 5 minutes without starting to stress about my senior show (which is, um, MONTHS away) or starting to feel like my brain is going to mush. I'm burying myself in a myriad of distractions...reading art criticism, cleaning, packing(ish), Christmas shopping...anything to stay busy and to keep myself from missing my dear, dear NYCAMS friends too much.

Nevertheless, it is always always ALWAYS good to be home and to force myself into being a social bum for a bit. My family is crazy and fun and my bed is TOTALLY bitchin, especially compared to the plastic thing that I have slept on for the last three months.

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